Have been very busy. No time to post. Things will be busy for three more weeks, then I finally have a break from school. Getting some love from Mr. Lunch before I run out the door. Happy Friday!
My friend John just got broken up with, so we decided to go cheesy dancing. This means we went to a club downtown that we would never normally go to, and we danced like crazy fools! So much fun, and I think it took John's mind off of things for a while!
I went and got a message the other day. It was fab, but as I was waiting I couldn't help but notice how cool the building was. I have always just gone inside, got naked and waited to be rubbed. I love the look of old directories!
School has been killing me lately. All I do is go to work, school, then work on school. Today started with me working on a power point, but the 55 degree weather brought me outside. We walked downtown to have lunch and there was a guy with an electric guitar just walking up and down the mall. He had headphones in and I can only assume he was doing some sort of air-guitar training. Then we came home and played some ball with Mr. Lunch. Back to homework.
Last night one of my co-workers got married. The reception was at a place called The Windows and it's on the 50th floor of the IDS building in downtown Mpls. The view was amazing-looking out over the lights-my little city looked almost like a real city! We had a lot of fun-getting all fancy, drinking and dancing. It was a great time! Congrats Steph!
I am running out the door, and I am so happy because it is warm today. OK, warm in Minneapolis terms which means it's going to be around 45 degrees today! I think I am going to make it after all! Have a great day!
Here they are...some pics of the models that me and some people from work did for Fashion Fight Night 3 this last Saturday in Minneapolis. They looked great! I was so proud of myself because I actually did make-up as well, which I have not really done since hair school a LONG time ago! These are the things that keep me loving my job!
Last night after I got off work I met boyfriend at Target. I had to return something, and of course found something else that I needed because you can not leave Target without any purchases! Afterwards we went to grab a burger and a beer (OK, two beers) at The Local. They have this Bison Burger with a tomato chipotle relish that is fantastic! This morning however both of us woke up and had slept horribly! We chalked it up to the burger. I had a crazy dream that I was at the Minnesota State Fair and Jessica Simpson was there selling pieces of pie, but she wouldn't sell one to me because she said that she had heard me call her fat--and I so did not! Crazy dream, right? Do you remember your dreams often? I used to, not much any more. This one made me laugh! http://www.the-local.com/
It was only two months ago that boyfriend and I were sitting on the beach. Over the New Year we went down to Roatan, Honduras. It was amazing-the perfect blend of bars, restaurants, and beauty. While we were down there we got certified in scuba diving; which is one of the coolest things I have ever done. We saw all sorts of amazing creatures and plants. As I look out my window right now at the dirty piles of snow, I conjure up thoughts of the warm sand--that is what will make me smile through my day. Have a great Tuesday!
Thoughts of wearing strappy heels and dresses float through my mind, and yet everywhere I look it's all about Fall '09. It can't hurt to look ahead and see what's coming our way, right? This way I can go hit up all the sales that will be starting soon and buy pieces that will fit into my wardrobe a year from now--for cheap! Sounds like a plan to me. It is Milan's turn and here are some of the looks that caught my eye. First we have Marni:
Last night was the Fashion Fight Night event that I made the before mentioned headbands for. The models looked so great! It was so crazy, but even without knowing what they would be wearing-the things matched! Of course, like an idiot I left my camera in my station, so I am waiting for my co-worker to email the pictures she took so I can put some up here. Hopefully that will happen soon. It was a fun and crazy night. My feet hurt bad today after standing for about 17 hours straight and maybe having too many glasses of wine. These are pictures from the event last year.